5 MFA Undercover Investigations That Are Scarier Than a Stephen King Novel

Each time Mercy For Animals sends someone undercover into a factory farm, slaughterhouse, or hatchery, the investigator uncovers sadistic animal cruelty that’s truly reminiscent of a horror novel.

The following investigations left us speechless and disturbed.

1. Hy-Line Hatchery

Hatching more than 300,000 chicks each day, Hy-Line is the largest hatchery of egg-laying breed chicks in the world. Day-old chicks are thrown, dropped, and mutilated without painkillers. The males, who will never lay eggs, are dumped into a giant macerator to be ground up alive.

2. Conklin Dairy Farms

The undercover footage exposes some of the most sickening animal abuse we’ve ever seen. Cows and newborn calves are beaten in the face with metal pipes, repeatedly stabbed with pitchforks, kicked, thrown, and punched by a worker who seems to enjoy torturing animals. Their tails are even broken.

3. Tyson Pork Group

At this Walmart pork supplier, the investigator documented pregnant pigs locked in filthy gestation crates unable to turn around or lie down comfortably for nearly their entire lives. Workers sadistically kicked, hit, body slammed, and otherwise tortured pigs. One worker even threw a bowling ball at a pig’s head.

4. Tyson Foods

The investigator documented owners of a Tyson contract farm engaging in gruesome animal abuse, including beating and stabbing chickens to death using a spiked club, standing on the birds’ heads and pulling their wings or bodies to break their necks, and throwing live birds into buckets to suffer and slowly die.

5. Lilydale (Sofina Foods)

Undercover footage obtained by MFA provides a shocking look behind the scenes at a Lilydale slaughterhouse in Canada. The disturbing hidden-camera footage shows turkeys painfully shackled upside down, shocked with electricity, cut open, and even scalded in vats of hot water—all while still alive and able to feel pain.

Think factory farms are scary? Imagine how the animals must feel.

Thankfully, you can help fight the cruel meat industry by switching to a compassionate vegan diet.

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