Study: Cutting Out Meat Cuts Heart Disease by Thirty-Two Percent

Vegetarian-heart-image1.jpgAn eleven-year British study of 45,000 volunteers found that a vegetarian diet could cut one’s risk of heart disease by as much as thirty-two percent. Lead researcher, Francesca Crowe of the University of Oxford, theorizes that this lowered risk is due to lower cholesterol and blood pressure for vegetarians.

This news should strongly impact US meat consumption, as heart disease has been ranked by the CDC as the number one cause of death in the United States. Presently, there are 26.5 million non-institutionalized American adults that have been diagnosed with heart disease.

If significantly cutting your risk of developing the top killer disease isn’t enough to convince Americans to go meat-free, maybe the fact that going vegetarian can cut your risk of cancer–the number two killer in the nation–by half will be the clincher.

For more information on becoming vegan, visit You can also order a free Vegetarian Starter Kit.